Phase 2 Directives

On Monday, June 8, the State of Massachusetts began to implement Phase Two of the reopening of the State.
The following changes to the protocols in the Archdiocese of Boston may be implemented immediately.
With regard to funerals:
  1. A priest, deacon or pastoral minister could go to the funeral home to do a wake service before the normally announced viewing hours with only the immediate family present, with masks being worn and social distancing being respected. If that is not possible in the particular setting of the funeral home, the priest, deacon, or pastoral minister should not go.
  2. Funeral Masses, and graveside services, may continue as in Phase One.
With regard to Sunday Masses:
  1. Where it can be done safely a priest (alone) may participate in an opening and closing procession. [Many parishes have reported that a simple procession from the side is working fine for them at this point, and if that is the case for you, by all means continue that.]
  2. All other directives for Masses remain in effect.
Other changes, such as the meeting of small groups (Bible studies, prayer groups, twelve step programs) may come forward when we get some more experience with what we are currently doing, or when we know more about what Phase Three will look like.
Questions/concerns please email