Playground Guidelines COVID-19

On Monday, June 15th, Phase 2 of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts re-opening Governor Baker has allowed the re-opening of outdoor playgrounds.

To prevent further spread of COVID – 19, the following guidelines are recommended.

Staffing, Social Distancing and Hygiene 

  • Playgrounds must be supervised at all times when in use by a staff member of staff-appointed volunteer. If the playground is unstaffed, the playground must remain closed.
  • Staff should limit capacity to allow for social distancing. No groups larger than 10 are allowed to gather.
  • Those supervising the children should monitor them to ensure proper distancing of 6 feet.
  • All persons over the age of two should wear a face covering while using the playground and in public.
  • Ask all who enter the playground to wash/sanitize hands before and after playground use. Utilize alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol hand sanitizer.
  • If feasible, modify play structures to encourage social distancing (such as removing swings or moving seating).
  • Children and adults who feel sick or are recovering from an illness may not visit the playground or outdoor fitness area.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

In accordance with CDC guidance, outdoor areas, like playgrounds and outdoor fitness areas, generally require normal routine cleaning, but do not require disinfection:

  • High touch surfaces made of plastic or metal, including grab bars and railings, tables and benches, should be frequently cleaned
  • Cleaning and disinfection of wooden surfaces or ground covers (mulch, sand) is not recommended.
  • Close playground, and outdoor fitness area facilities used by a sick person and wait 24 hours before cleaning and disinfecting these facilities.
  • Visitors should adhere to a strict “carry in, carry out” policy and take waste with them if your playground as no trash receptacles.
  • Where trash receptacles are available for normal use, where feasible, no touch, lidless trashcans.