General Liability FAQ
If you have a question that is not answered on this page, please contact Ashly Patry.
We want to run a parish day camp here for the summer do we need a license?
A license may be required from your city or town. You should contact your local municipality to obtain the requirements. While the insurance is already provided, our office should be notified that the parish is going to operate such a program. In addition, Child Protection Guidelines (CORI check and child protection training) must be adhered to. Please contact Ashly Patry.
A parent wants to run an after school child care program here (or a summer day camp gym class etc.) can they?
It is not appropriate for a parent to operate a childcare program of any kind on parish property, unless it is a school or parish sponsored program. If a parent or parishioner wishes to operate such a program, a formal lease agreement, proper licensing and insurance must be in place. The parish can operate or sponsor such a program under the following criteria:
- All personnel that will be working with, or in the vicinity of, the children must undergo a CORI check and have completed the Protecting God’s Children program.
- The space occupied by the program must be inspected by the our facilities personnel to confirm suitability for children.
- If the parent is not charging for his/her services because this is considered a parish-run event that parishioners will attend and benefit from, such as a Summer Vacation Bible School, then additional insurance is not required. While you will not need extra insurance, you will still need to make sure all adult volunteers have had a CORI check and have completed the Protecting God’s Children program.
An employee has been injured what should I do?
This is a Workers Compensation issue and you need to report the claim immediately. Go to Workers Compensation Claims for more info.
Who is covered by our insurance policy when injured on the property?
Any visitor injured at a program participant’s parish, school or institution is covered under the general liability policy. An investigation will be undertaken to determine if there is liability on the part of the parish/school/institution. Employees are covered under workers compensation coverage as long as the injury was sustained during and in the course of their employment.