Volunteer Drivers
Before allowing anyone to transport children, the elderly or disabled, please be sure to obtain documentation verifying the following:
- Driver is 21 years old or older
- Driver has a current driver’s license (keep a copy on file)
- Driver does not have a physical disability that could impair his/her ability to drive safely
- If transporting minors, be sure the driver has undergone a background screening and has completed the Virtus Protecting God’s Children program.
- Driver has a clean driving record – see section on Driving Record Check below.
Driving Record Check
Please obtain a driving record check on all drivers – staff and volunteers – who are entrusted with transporting youth, the elderly or disabled. The purpose of the driving record check is to ensure the driver does not have any serious safety violations, such as driving under the influence (DUI), or a pattern of multiple minor offenses within a short period of time.
You may either request that our office perform the driving record check and makes the evaluation regarding the driver, or you may perform the check yourself. Please use your best judgement when reviewing a driver’s record. For example, one speeding ticket three years ago may not be cause for concern, but two or more speeding tickets within the past year should raise a red flag. Drivers with serious safety violations such as a DUI or other criminal violations within the past five years should be disqualified. If you have any questions about how to evaluate the driving record, please contact the David Huskins.
To obtain a copy of the driving record, please go to the following website: Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles, and click on “Request a Public Driving Record” under Reports. Below is a screenshot of the type of information you will be required to submit:
Request a Public Driving Record
If you prefer to seek the assistance of our office, please contact David Huskins.
Use of Volunteer or Employee Vehicles
If parents or volunteers are using their own vehicles to transport students, then in accordance with Massachusetts’ law, the personal automobile liability insurance coverage of the automobile vehicle owner is primary. RCAB’s Automobile Insurance will provide excess coverage if a claim(s) arising out of an accident exceeds the liability limits of the vehicle owner’s insurance policy. If a parent volunteer will be driving a group of students, obtain specific permission from the parents of each child who will be transported by the volunteer.